Returning To The Office Safely
In a world where there is a heightened awareness of hygiene, introducing extra steps to improve the cleanliness of surfaces within many environments has become a high priority. However, what extra steps can be taken to improve the hygiene of key surfaces that remain common touch points, such as radiators, doors, and walls but are less likely to face the increased scrutiny of cleaning regimes? Introducing antimicrobial paints.
Researchers have made paint that is embedded with silver nanoparticles known for their ability to kill bacteria and other microbes. The most widely available antimicrobial paint is Sherwin-Williams’ Paint Shield®, which claims to kill 99% of bacteria. These paints are easy to use and will help diminish the spread of bacteria and viruses. Antimicrobial paint is more durable, will last long, and looks great. Many hospitals and businesses are currently using these types of paints with great success.
You can also install antimicrobial hardware throughout your facility. Door handles, push/pull locks, emergency exit devices and more are now available with silver ion coating that can slow the spread of bacteria and viruses.
Eventually we will be returning to the workplace and the health and safety of the employees will be your biggest focus. Let Cobb Brothers help you take the first step in an attempt to create a physical workspace that is safer for employees to work in by painting with antimicrobial paints. Cobb Brothers makes no representations or guarantees, express or implied, as to the effectiveness of the antimicrobial coating in protecting against coronavirus, but we are hoping to give workplace teams a head start on their return-to-the-office game plan with the tools to get started today. Call today for a free estimate 508-655-7910.