Get Creative With Whiteboard & Chalkboard Paints

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Many of our corporate clients have transformed walls into whiteboards for an innovative working and learning environment. Recently we have seen an increase in homeowners looking for ways to enhance working and learning from home. Customers are utilizing whiteboard and chalkboard paints to create that innovative environment.

Each surface gives you plenty of space to brainstorm, play tic-tac-toe with your kids, write down your dinner menu and whatever else you want to do with it. Whether you're updating your home office to work from home or making a space for your kids learning, here’s some information to help you decide whether a whiteboard vs chalkboard fits your style.

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The chalkboard: The classic one
With classic grace, a sleek dark color and room for creative fonts, chalkboards are the writing surface of bistros, craft breweries and, potentially, your home.

Because chalkboards are so prevalent in these types of locales, they are often associated with creativity, artistry, wanderlust, simplicity and a romantic way of life. In short, chalkboards are charming. Think of what you could do in your home with a wall size chalkboard! Place it on a kitchen wall and write down your daily menu. Hang a frame around it and write inspirational quotes. Sketch ideas for your next masterpiece. Let out your creativity!

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The Whiteboard: The Innovative one

Whiteboard paint is actually a coating that is a 2-part formula mix, that when mixed and applied properly will transform just about any wall or surface into a dry erase board like surface. It is a fantastic alternative to traditional whiteboards, which can be big, bulky and expensive. White board paint is also known as dry erase paint, dry erase board paint, and marker board paint.

 Whiteboards are modern and simple. You'll find no chalk dust clinging to these boards - they're easy to clean and totally efficient.

When used correctly, whiteboards don't collect film, so they always look clean. What's more, you can keep the color of your walls by using whiteboard paint in a clear coat.

A few things to consider about white board and chalk board paints:

1)  What Surfaces To Use It On?

     White Board - With white board (also called dry erase) wall paint you won’t be restricted to just walls. Apply to doors, desks, ceilings, cabinets and more.

      Chalkboard – Can be used on wall, wooden and glass surfaces. You can even coat wine bottles with chalkboard paint or convert an ornately framed mirror into a writing pad.

2)  Where To Use It?

The layout and lighting of your room are important when deciding between a whiteboard wall and a chalkboard wall.

If the room you’re planning on putting a writable surface into is small, you should consider installing a whiteboard wall. The light color will brighten the room and not make it appear any smaller. And if you want to keep the current color of your workspace clear whiteboard paint can be painted over the existing paint color. This way you can keep the color you want and have a writing space to work on.

A chalkboard wall is a perfect addition to a space to give it a more authentic and rustic feel. You can use your chalkboard wall as a statement decoration piece with different drawings or as a unique menu display or a classic space for learning and creativity. It works well in a room with lots of natural light since a black wall can be dark.

3)  Allergies

Chalkboards are known for having a lot of chalky residues. Despite being able to remove this dust with a damp cloth, if you suffer from asthma or are prone to allergic reactions you should consider a whiteboard wall as an alternative writable surface.

Between chalkboards and whiteboards, there's an ideal writing surface for any personality, which means you can outfit your home to suit your style.  Of course, who says you only have to have one? If your kids are creative and you're an innovator, give them the chalkboard and add a whiteboard to your home office. Some of our customers have transformed entire rooms with whiteboard and chalkboard paints, creating endless space for creativity. Give Cobb Brothers a call to help you make learning and working from home easier. 508-655-7910



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